Sunday, November 24, 2013

Academic Writing

1. What is academic writing  and type of academic writing?
Academic writing is the type of writing that use formal language and has a structure such as introduction, body and conclusion. It done to fulfill a requirement of a college or university. Academic writing was written because of the vision and mision
Type of Academic Writing :
·   Report
Report writing is the presentation of one's findings in an informative and clear manner
·   Essay/Paper
A piece of factual writing in which ideas on a single topic are presented, explained, argued, or described in an interesting way
·   Disertation / thesis
A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings
·   Summary
Main points of the research, the names of the authors, where they work and where the results were published.
2. Criteria and purpose to make academic writing
·         Criteria :
1.      Language Skills
The writer must have languange skills such as :
a)      Quoting
Showing clearly when the exact words from the passage have been used by enclosing the words in “quotation marks” and referencing the original source
b)      Paraphrasing
Writing ideas from the readings in your own words, and referencing the original source
c)      Summarising
Providing a brief account of the main ideas in a passage and referencing the original source
d)     Correct spelling and grammar
2.      Structure of Essay
Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
3.      Referencing
a source of information (as a book or passage) to which a reader or consulter is referred

·         Purpose :

             1.    To fulfill a requirement of college or university
             2.    To search for a truth base on objective evidence
 3.    To answer and discuss a subject of common interest and question that has been given to the writer
             4.    To present information that display a clear understanding of a subject 

3. Describe the format of academic writing

1.        Introduction
In introduction the writter must grab reader attention and starting with a several questions, definition of an important term related to the work, some interesting facts or information, and also introduction is written to inform the reader about the purpose and direction of your essay.

2.        Main body
In main body usually content literature review, case study and discussion. The body of the paper is where you build up your paper paragraph by paragraph according to the topics and sections that you have identified in your outline. Each paragraph needs to have a topic sentence that identifies what part of your argument the paragraph will support.

3.        Conclusion
In the conclusion writer summarize all the main points, consist references, and provide a final perspective of the topic. It's purpose it to bring closure on the topic for the reader from a broad perspective.

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